Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Lemonheads

i almost decided not to go see the Lemonheads tonight because i was feeling kind of bad from a cold i can feel coming on but i went anyway. I couldn't pass up seeing one of my quintessential favorite bands of the 90s. the opener, Vietnam, was really good too. they reminded me of an older Devandra Banhart. They all had the really long hair and beards going on, just not as young and devestatingly handsome as Devandra..... it was so weird seeing Evan Dando in person for the first time. I've always loved the Lemonheads. They are the ultimate feel good but slightly dark at the same time band. And Evan Dando was and is so dreamy. i hate to use such teenybopper terms but he really is. like a modern day shaun cassidy but better. in a lot of ways but that's obvious. he seemed exactly like i would expect him to be. self effacing and slightly insecure on stage. some idiot yelled out to him to "play something we know" and he had been playing nothing but stuff off his first 2 albums up to that point. Evan got kind of put out and stopped playing all together and kept asking the crowd who said that. he was also having a lot of techinical difficulties. he switched guitars about 3 times in one song i kid you not. it was amusing though to watch him so out of sorts in the beginning. it was so fun to hear all those songs again. i felt like i was a sophomore in high school again. at the encore they only played 2 more songs which one of was "It's a shame about Ray" which really made my night. but the drummer broke his snare so they had to quit. the drummer was an interesting addition to his new lineup. he looked like ray charles. with the sunglasses and everything.h it was an interesting mix to see on stage. the other guitarist had a sparkly barrett in his hair. after the show i went out by the bus like i usually do. i just wanted to shake his hand and thank him for coming to tallahassee of all places. i was so surprised to see that the place wasn't packed. i mean the Lemonheads are like a legendary band. oh well, i liked that it was really laid back. it's always more fun when you don't have to feel like a sardine trying to get a glimpse of the band. anywho, oh right, the bus, well i got to tell him good show and i asked him if it would be too lame if i asked him to get a picture with me. i dont' know, there's just something about Evan Dando that just doesn't scream hey, take a picture with me. but i asked anyway, when i asked him if it would be too lame he said kind of but but asked me to take it really fast. of course the flash didn't come on and he said yea that always happens with those things. i agreed and he said, "well, let's just be friends them" and he shook my hand. i kind of wished i didnt' ask him to get a picture because it kind of ruined the moment, not that it was a real moment to him, but oh well, he was really nice. there was some other guy waiting for him to sing a shirt from like 95 that was really stained and been through the ringer. it was of some band called something snakes, i can't remember. he said that he saw Evan on his solo tour a few years back and wanted him to sign it then. i didn't really understand why he wanted him to sign a shirt of another band. but Evan remembered him and even let him on the bus. i thought that was really cool of him.....


Molly said...

I'm kind of offended that he didn't let you on the bus. That Shaun Cassidy comment cracked me up! That's hilarious. But at least you shook his hand. That's cool.

I'm listening to that long Lucinda album right now. And eating scrambled eggs with mushrooms and tomatoes. Boy, is it good. I wish you were here!

Molly said...

Hey by the way, if you meet Lucinda, please tell her I love her. I'm sure I'll get a chance to ask you that again before March, but I just wanted to make sure I didn't forget. :D

Molly said...

Oh, and now I'm officially lame, but earlier I meant to say that Vietnam sounds really good! Even if they're not as devastatingly handsome as Devendra, who btw, is DEVASTATINGLY handsome! *die* That's why they call him Devastating Devendra, or DevDev for short!

Oh my gosh, speaking of being really stupid, check out the BRMC general forum. Look for "10 questions with Nick Jago." It's an interview, and it's hilarious! It's really, really stupid. I laughed my head off. That boy's got problems. So that makes me feel guilty, but i think he was probably trying to be funny? Anyway. Oh, and the new album comes out May 1!!!

blanche rockabilly said...

i will definitely relay your message to Lucinda! maybe i'll leave her a picture of us like i did with arlo guthrie! lol. ooohhh i can't wait for the new brmc album. i will try and read that interview soon. sounds intruiging....actually i probably could have snuck on the bus with that other dude but i didn't want to seem too intrusive. i don't think evan would have liked that. he seemed like he probably is wary of girls because they probably throw themselves at him a lot. but i'm not like those girls which ruins it for people like us. oh well, what can you do....