i feel so relaxed right now i could probably fall asleep while typing this post so if my head happens to fall over onto the keyboard as i write and the rest of it consists of unintelligible or repeated letters sorry. i just took a hot bath after the pilates class i've been going to with my buddy andrew from class. i LOVE pilates, it's a really good workout but relaxing at the same time. i'm totally sold. i'm still getting used to some of the moves but it helps to have a friend there to laugh at each other as our butts are sticking up in the air and other awkward positions you find yourself in in that class sometimes.
i've had a good couple of weeks, i sold some of my artwork in the annual juried rollins art show here at fsu. i won an award for one piece, 50 bucks. the school bought a photograph i took of an alligator at sapelo that was part of my senior show for undergrad which was $200. i kind of wished i had upped the prices now! oh well, not bad for starting out. and another professor wants to buy another photograph from the sapelo series. Lord knows i need the cash right now.....since i'm going to Paris in like 2 weeks! i'm gonna need that moola for about a thousand rolls of film i'm going to use while i'm there, hehe. that reminds me i need to get another holga, the ones i have now have too many light leaks which can be interesting but its become a little too much to where its not complimenting the picture but becoming more of a distraction. i've noticed the longer i use a holga the more light leaks it gets. well what can you expect from a plastic camera, i still love that thing though, i will forever be indebted to it for bringing a whole new dimension to my photography. reminds me of the little cheer we used to chant in the darkroom at north georgia, HOLGA....HOLGA....HOLGA. original i know, you have to hear the tone of voice to get the full effect of course. ahh memories of the darkroom, i miss it so much, i am determined to get back in there this summer dangit...
it's been interesting at my internship this week. i work at pyramid studios which is an art studio for developmentally delayed adults and i had this whole really cool art exercise prepared. it's kind of hard to explain but basically it involved balloons. well, the balloons kept popping if you just touched it wrong, no sharp objects in sight. that's the last time i buy cheap balloons from teh dollar store. you'd think a balloon is a balloon. anyway, a few balloons popped in my clients faces and needless to say the whole place was in an uproar for a little while after that. i felt so bad because some are really sensitive to loud noises so that was not good. it was a learnig experience needless to say.
and i just discovered how good leonard cohen is as a songwriter, i had heard of him before and just lumped him together with all those 70s singer songwriters. and that all the really knowledgeable music snobs say you're supposed to like. i love the feeling when you discover a new musician that is so good and you keep wanting to hear more and more. patty griffin is another one i'm really getting into right now. i guess you could say she's in the alt country category, you could put her in the same sentence with lucinda williams but they're still totally different.
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