Sunday, March 11, 2007

so i'm sitting here watching cheaters and eating ice cream after a long trip from home back to tallatrashy. i don't usually watch cheaters but i sucked into the white trash brawls that result from confronting their cheating lovers. the host is what really cracks me up. he acts so concerned saying things to the one being cheated one like, "you're going to get through this" and "you're strong." yup, another reality tv show that is compromising my IQ as we speak.

besides some mind numbing cheaters watching i guess a lot has been happening lately. i just got back from spring break. i found out some news thats not so great while i was at home. my dad has to have brain surgery soon. it's not cancer thank God but it's like a growth on the outside of the brain between the membrane that separates the brain from the skull or something. i don't know all the technical terms. the doctor said it's a relatively simple procedure and he would only be in surgery a couple hours and would only have to stay overnight. if you're reading this please keep my dad in your prayers. i was scared when i first heard about it, i still am but i feel better about it know knowing that he has a really good doctor and what a simple procedure it is. i mean it's still brain surgery but i'm just trying to trust God everything will work out. i know that sounds cliche but that's all you really can do. i'm just glad it's not cancer...

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